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What factors determine the heating capacity of the burner?

2021-01-18 00:00

To    Do you know that the heating capacity of the burner depends on the strength of the flame, the surface area of ​​the furnace tube and the total heat transfer coefficient. It doesn’t matter if you don’t know, now you know right away    First of all, we should know the strength of the flame. The stronger the flame, the higher the furnace temperature and the greater the temperature difference between the furnace and the oil flow. What factors determine? The greater the heat transfer, the strength of the flame can be adjusted by controlling the nozzle;   The heating performance is related to the surface area of ​​the furnace tube. The larger the area of ​​the furnace tube where the flame and the flue gas are in contact, the greater the heat transfer;    In addition, the total heat transfer coefficient is very important. The better the total heat transfer coefficient of the furnace tube, the more heat transfer.   In actual use, poor flame combustion and coking of the furnace tube will affect the heating capacity of the burner, so care must be taken to control the burner to make it burn completely, and to prevent local furnace tube temperature from being too high and coking.    The burners we sell have the advantages of high quality, low heating capacity and low price. Welcome to buy! To If you are interested in gas oil burners, please contact us for a quote!

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  • BNL120/180/250 P/FC Light Oil Burner

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