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Maintenance instructions for the burner of the stenter setting machine


Friends who have used the burner of a stenter setting machine should know that when the equipment is working, it will produce a relatively high temperature Therefore, in order to ensure the shaping effect, we often use plastic or metal shoe lasts. Under normal circumstances, it is better not to use wooden shoe lasts when setting the shape with dry hot air, otherwise it is easy to expand and contract with heat, which will affect the setting effect of the burner of the stenter setting machine. Therefore, when we choose shoe lasts, we need to consider the material properties and shaping effect together, and finally make a determination. Under normal circumstances, we will put the shoes in only when the conveyor belt's running state reaches normal and when the temperature meets the requirements, so as to effectively prevent deformation. When using the burner of the stenter setting machine, if we want to ensure its setting effect, we have to carry out proper maintenance. So, do you know what to pay attention to when maintaining? First of all, as users, we must pay attention to our production work, and we should try to avoid the burner of the stenter setting machine from working on a door width for a long time. Fortunately, change the varieties of different widths at regular intervals to reduce the wear of the main shaft; secondly, check whether all the forming switches in the equipment are sensitive and effective; if they are damaged, they must be replaced in time; in addition, the drying room The amplitude modulation screw must be cleaned once a day. When performing maintenance, a large part of the content is in cleaning. For the burner of the stenter setting machine, the filter screen needs to be cleaned once a day, and the amplitude modulation screw needs to be cleaned once a day. The exhaust circulation system also needs to be cleaned, especially the spray pipe should be cleaned once a month. Of course, the exhaust fan and exhaust ducts also need to be cleaned regularly, which can reduce the probability of equipment failure. In short, the maintenance work for the burner of the stenter setting machine may be some more tedious work, which should be taken seriously as a worker. Only by doing these tasks can we better let the stenter setting machine burner serve us. If you are interested in low temperature burners, please contact us for a quote!

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