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Pay attention to environmental protection in the use of biomass burners


To    When using a biomass burner, first clean up the residue in the combustion boiler, add new biomass pellet fuel, and then close the material tank lid. Before starting up and running, check all circuits and water pipes to check whether there are any abnormalities such as leakage or damage to the circuit, and check whether the water pipes are leaking to avoid water leakage. Then turn on the cooling valve of the biomass burner, do the debugging of the windshield, start the feeding system, and the biomass burner gradually increases the amount of biomass pellet fuel. The whole process lasts for three to five minutes. This is to ensure The temperature inside the biomass burner boiler gradually rises. Pay attention to environmental protection during use. The whole process is to ensure that the biomass burner is energy-saving and environmentally friendly. Only when the biomass burner is operated in strict accordance with the operating instructions can the biomass combustion be ensured. The machine can fully burn and play the best role. The biomass burner uses biomass pellet fuel as fuel, which can realize the regeneration and reuse of material resources, ensuring that no pollutants are generated during the combustion process. At the same time, the energy saving of the biomass burner is also very good, and only a small amount is needed. Biomass pellet fuel can produce huge heat energy. In use, it is necessary to ensure sufficient combustion to avoid waste of resources. If the biomass burner is continuously used for a long time to generate heat energy, corresponding protective measures must be taken. , To avoid failures and insufficient combustion during operation, resulting in waste of biomass pellet fuel. Biomass burner is a kind of equipment that can reduce combustion pollution, energy saving and environmental protection. However, if it is not operated in accordance with the operating instructions during use, it will cause insufficient combustion, causing pollution and waste of resources, so everyone is operating and using biomass burners It must be used in accordance with the operating instructions in order to save resources and maximize the use of resources. To If you are interested in gas oil burners, please contact us for a quote!

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