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Testing and cold circulation of heat transfer oil


The quality of the thermal fluid used in the thermal oil boiler diesel burner is qualified, which has a great impact on the safe operation of the heat carrier boiler diesel burner . Therefore, it is necessary to test the heat transfer fluid samples used or confirm the relevant quality of the supplier. This should be clear: (1) Whether the maximum temperature of the heat transfer fluid in the heat transfer oil boiler diesel burner is the same as the heat transfer oil burner light oil burner The heating conditions are the same. The outlet temperature of the furnace should be at least 30-40°C lower than the heat carrier, otherwise the heat carrier will quickly decompose and fail prematurely during use. (2) Sampling inspection to determine whether the thermal oil furnace’s appearance heat carrier quality, flash point, viscosity, acid value, carbon slag and water, and the quality certificate provided by the heat carrier manufacturer are consistent. It is also a monitoring for medium quality changes in future operations Provide evidence. (3) Inject oil, use a fuel pump to inject the heat transfer fluid of the heat transfer oil burner light oil burner that has passed the test into the furnace and expansion water tank. When the heat transfer fluid is injected into the system with a fuel pump, it is necessary to check again whether the drain valve and drain valve of the furnace body, heating equipment and piping system are closed well to avoid the loss of heat transfer fluid. At the same time, open the exhaust valves on the pipes and the furnace one by one to exhaust the air until the oil flows out of the closed state. When the oil level appears on the expansion tank level gauge, stop injecting the conduction liquid, and then start the circulating pump for cold circulation. (4) The purpose of the cold circulation of the thermal oil boiler diesel combustion engine is to detect whether the entire heating system is stagnant, whether there is leakage in the equipment, pipelines, valves, etc., and whether the flow and head of the circulating pump can meet the production requirements. Due to the high viscosity of cold oil, the pressure difference between the inlet and outlet of the heat carrier furnace is relatively large, and the resistance of the piping system is relatively large. Each circulating pump should be started and tested in sequence so that the cold oil can circulate in the system for 6 to 8 hours. The thermal oil boiler diesel combustion engine circulates under cooling, and often opens the remaining air valve for gas discharge, observes and records the pressure gauge, thermometer, ammeter display box, pay attention to recording the differential pressure pump circulating pump current, inlet and outlet, circulating pump outlet pressure, heat conduction The inlet and outlet pressure data of the oil burner light oil burner, and check whether the oil pump runs smoothly and whether the bearing seal is intact. In the cold cycle of disassembly of the heat-conducting oil boiler diesel burner and cleaning the filter, various impurities in the system and residues in the heat-conducting fluid will be filtered out in the filter before the oil pump and the cold oil cycle. After circulation, the filter should be disassembled to remove dirt from the filter and filter network. Clean technology If your hot oil furnace is used for a long time or the selected hot oil is not good or used improperly, coking and carbon deposits will block the pipes and heating surfaces, reduce heat transfer efficiency, increase energy consumption, and finally it is difficult to meet the needs of production . Thermal oil boiler diesel combustion engine oil stain cleaning technology Thermal oil boiler diesel burner is rapidly using thermal oil boiler diesel burner (thermal medium boiler diesel burner) is a boiler diesel burner that uses organic thermal medium oil as the heat transfer medium. It can obtain higher working temperature under lower working pressure, and it can be quickly applied to petroleum, chemical industry, printing and dyeing. Food, chemical fiber, plastics, coatings, building materials and other industrial enterprises are safe and efficient. Problems existing in the use of heat transfer oil boiler diesel burner Problem 1: The condensation of heat transfer oil easily makes the carbon coking heat transfer oil in the heat transfer zone of the boiler diesel burner easy to undergo thermal cracking and polymerization chemical reactions after high temperature heating, resulting in a decline in oil quality. If the hot oil is gelled, it will thicken, the residual carbon and acid value will exceed the limit, and the coke will precipitate and precipitate, which will cause the coke oil carbon scale in the heat transfer zone of the boiler diesel burner. Question 2: Coke fouling in the heat transfer area will increase energy consumption and cause fire accidents. After petroleum coke fouling accumulates on the heat transfer tube wall of the heat transfer oil boiler diesel burner, not only the heat transfer efficiency is greatly reduced, the fuel cost increases, but also downstream production The process temperature is also affected. In severe cases, it may cause local overheating of the heat transfer wall, rupture of the pipe wall, corrosion and explosion, and cause fire, casualties and other major safety accidents caused by the leakage of heat transfer oil. Heat transfer oil coke scale inhibition control technology 1. Oil degradation accelerates boiler diesel burner carbon coke. In the process of using heat transfer oil boiler diesel burner, the chemical composition of heat transfer oil is prone to high temperature oxidation, cracking decomposition, thermal condensation, etc. due to heat The chemical reaction that takes place gelatinizes the grease. The carbon particles produced by polycondensation greatly increase the residual carbon value of the heat transfer oil and form carbon scale on the heat transfer surface. The scale of oil and carbon endangers the safe operation of boiler diesel burners. The carbon scale formed by the thermal oil product oil coke not only greatly reduces the heat transfer efficiency of the thermal oil boiler diesel burner, but also greatly increases the energy consumption cost, and it also leads to diesel combustion in the thermal oil boiler. The machine-corrosive metal corrodes and scales at high temperatures, the furnace tube metal is damaged by cracks or corroded holes, and the furnace tube can be burned in severe cases. The leakage of heat transfer oil may cause major accidents such as fire and human life.
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