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The temperature difference between the inlet and outlet of the heat-conducting oil boiler diesel burner


During operation, the main principles of safe heating and energy saving need to be effectively realized for the heat-conducting oil furnace and light oil burner. The heat-conducting oil furnace light oil burner must ensure its safe operation, focus on saving coal and electricity, and improve economic benefits. The normal operating indicators of the heat-conducting oil furnace light oil burner are mainly related to the heating capacity of the liquid oil furnace, the flow rate and temperature of the output medium. The circulating flow rate of the thermal fluid of the equipment should not be lower than the design flow rate specified in the figure. When the rated power is reached, the temperature difference will meet the requirements of the drawing. To a certain extent, the operating parameters of the heat-conducting oil furnace light oil burner are also related to the physical properties of the heat-conducting fluid used by the user. In order to achieve a reasonable output power, the user should take the temperature difference between the inlet and outlet of the furnace as the main operating reference. If the temperature difference between the inlet and outlet of the heat-conducting oil burner light oil burner is reduced for several hours, it means that the heat will be reduced to a certain extent, and the combustion should be weakened accordingly; on the contrary, the combustion should be strengthened. In addition to making good combustion adjustments and ensuring heat supply, regular circuit inspections should also be carried out when the stoker goes to work. The medium is a high-temperature heat-conducting oil furnace and light oil burner, and the more permeable material still exists. The operator must wear protective equipment during the work process. The equipment needs to be light and slow during the opening and closing of the valve. Do not have a valve on your head. The plate prevents the heat transfer fluid from the valve stem packing from burning out in the gap. The liquid phase furnace in the light oil burner of the heat transfer oil furnace mainly relies on the forced circulation of the circulating pump during operation. In the event of a power failure during the operation of the equipment, timely measures should be taken during the operation to effectively prevent the heat transfer fluid in the furnace from overheating due to high temperature to a certain extent. The thermal oil boiler diesel burner is a forced circulation with a vehicle-mounted furnace. It is widely used in chemical, textile, light industry, printing and dyeing, papermaking, building materials and other businesses. The risks and solutions: First, the bulge, the explosion tube causes a fire. Oil prices are not good, and the oil residue policy is overspending. Heat transfer oil accidentally causes water, impurities or other grease to enter the oil during storage, transportation, or operation and maintenance. When the heat transfer oil is heated to 100°C, it will cause oil injection and fire. Perhaps the water will evaporate at high temperatures and generate high pressure, which will cause the equipment to burst with overpressure. The carbon residue policy in other petroleum is overrun. The heat transfer oil in the heating process will undergo some chemical changes, resulting in some high polymers, plus some overheated coke. These high polymers and carbon residues are insoluble in the oil and suspended in the oil. During operation, these materials will deposit on the bottom of the boiler diesel burner drum and overheat and expand, deposit on the wall in the tube and overheat the burst tube. Therefore, timely sampling and analysis of heat transfer oil, timely grasp of oil change quality, analysis of element changes, timely replenishment of new heat transfer oil, the root cause of carbon residue must be stable, the heat transfer oil in the boiler diesel burner must be dehydrated in advance, and problems should be found in time. Corresponding measures. The outlet temperature is too high and the flow rate is too low. Sometimes due to the high oil temperature and the engine temperature does not rise, it cannot meet the needs of production. Some units use a gradual outlet temperature method to ensure the heating capacity. The influence of the outlet temperature is close to or even exceeds the maximum allowable operating temperature of the heat carrier, and then the degree of coking is increased. The heat transfer power of the radiator of the scaling heat engine is lower, forming a vicious circle , Until the furnace tube burst. In addition, if the flow rate is too low, the temperature of most of the heating surface or the inner wall of some tubes will be higher than the allowable oil film temperature, and shorten the normal use of the heat transfer oil life, resulting in expansion and overheating caused by tube burst. Therefore, the maximum outlet oil temperature of the boiler diesel burner should be about 30°C lower than the working temperature of the heat carrier to avoid overheating decomposition and oil conversion during operation. The speed of the heat transfer oil in the radiant heating surface pipe of the operation should not be less than 2m/s, and the speed of the heat transfer oil in the convection heating surface pipe should not be less than 1.5m/s to avoid carbon slag, blockage of the pipe diameter, and overheating of the pipe wall. The dangers and solutions of the heat-conducting oil boiler diesel combustion engine leak caused fire. Due to the welding quality, the welding seam of the heat medium transport manager will drop or evaporate a lot when the temperature is too high, causing the pipeline to vibrate or even be damaged, leading to a large amount of heat conduction oil leakage, and the heat transfer oil has strong permeability, especially the flange The gasket is serious, and leakage after the fire source often causes a fire. Therefore, for equipment, choose a talented equipment company. It is good to connect pipes to welding, supplemented by flange connection. Screw connection cannot be selected. For blue connection, choose oil-resistant, pressure-resistant, high-temperature high-strength graphite products as the gasket sheet. All accessories in contact with the heat carrier shall not be made of cast iron made of non-ferrous metals. Steel pipe should choose No. 20 steel seamless pipes, fasteners, especially connecting bolts on the main circuit, choose no. 35 steel drums are safer. Before the boiler diesel burner burns, the boiler diesel burner supervisory agency and equipment company should conduct pressure test on all pipes and valves until no leakage is interrupted, and the heat transfer oil must not circulate in the system pipes for less than 60 minutes, and then acknowledge that everything is normal , And then burn. Improper handling during power failure can cause fire. When the heat-conducting oil boiler diesel combustion engine is in normal operation, the unit occasionally generates power outages. At this moment, the circulating pump runs intermittently. The combustion of coal in the furnace continues to increase the oil temperature of the boiler diesel combustion engine. If the oil temperature rises too fast and cannot drop, the oil temperature will There are some ultra-high temperatures and coking in a short period of time, resulting in excessive temperature, overheating and pipe explosions, causing fires and cars. Therefore, in the case of power failure and other shortcomings, all furnace doors should be opened to immediately eliminate the remaining coal in the furnace. Let a large amount of cold air enter the furnace to activate the furnace temperature and eliminate the heat source; at the same time, open the oil drain valve of the boiler diesel burner, and gradually put the high temperature oil into the oil storage tank, so that the cold oil in the expansion tank will gradually flow into the boiler diesel burner. Take away the heat. Conditional devices can be equipped with dual power sources, such as a small gasoline generator, and the circuit and the circulating pump circuit are switched to each other, and then avoid the formation of high oil temperature and coking after a short period of power outage, causing trouble. In addition, the tanker must pass technical supervision and issue a 'coal tanker operation certificate' to clean up abnormal situations in time. It also insists on the circulation pump and the oil storage tank to be clean, so as to eliminate the dirt and dust on the surface of the oil at any time to prevent the splashing fire outside from burning. ! If you are interested in diesel combustion engines, please contact us for a quote!

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