- E-mail: vip@bntet.com
- POffice Add:13th Floor, Building 16, National University Science Park,Zhengzhou,Henan,China
- Factory Add:No. 33 Xinhua Road,Xinmi,Henan,China
There will be some minor problems when the burner is not used for a short period of time. What causes this? The main reason is that everyone did not pay attention to maintenance when parking the burner, thinking that it was unnecessary for a short time. In fact, this is wrong. You must clean the inside of the burner before parking. Here is a small editor to introduce you to the gas The burning machine should be the main thing before parking!
1. Now close all valves.
2. When the burner is parked, the liquid in the equipment should be drained.
3. All rotating parts are coated with anti-grease.
4. Then thoroughly clean the surface of the burner.
5. Cover all the devices with canvas to prevent dust and dirt from depositing on the surface of the equipment.
If you are interested in gas oil burners, please contact us for a quote!