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- POffice Add:13th Floor, Building 16, National University Science Park,Zhengzhou,Henan,China
- Factory Add:No. 33 Xinhua Road,Xinmi,Henan,China
The classification of the burner can be seen from the combustion method
Almost all of the important performance indicators of gas stoves are reflected in its core components-burners, so the development history of gas stoves is also the development history of burners. We know that burners are pided into integral and split types according to their structure. According to the combustion method of gas stoves, burners can be pided into two types: atmospheric burners and premix burners.
Atmospheric burner is a burner designed according to the partial premixed combustion method of gas stoves, and its primary air coefficient is 0\u0026lt;\u0026alpha;\u0026lt;1. The atmospheric burner consists of two parts, the head and the ejector. Its working principle is: when the gas stove is working, the gas flows out from the nozzle at a certain flow rate under a certain pressure and enters the suction contraction tube. Relying on the ejection effect of the gas itself, it attracts the surrounding air into the ejector. Part of the air is also called primary air. The primary air and gas are mixed in the ejector, and then flow out through the fire hole in the head for combustion. In the combustion of the gas stove, air is drawn from around the flame to assist combustion. This part of the air is called secondary air.
The premixed burner is also called a complete premixed burner. The air required for combustion depends on the energy of the gas to be sucked from the primary air suction port and premixed. The excess air coefficient \u0026alpha;=1.03~1.06. When sufficient air is drawn in from the suction port of the ejector and fully mixed with the gas, no secondary air is required when the gas stove burns, the combustion is sufficiently rapid, and the outer surface of the fire hole is basically no flame or the flame is very short. It is called a flameless burner.
If you are interested in gas oil burners, please contact us for a quote!