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You need to know the debugging precautions of the burner


To    Precautions for the debugging of the burner:    Check whether the external fuel is in place, the pipeline is unobstructed, and the external power supply control is in place. Adjust the load of the burner to a small load, and adjust the ignition position to a small load accordingly. Turn off the large load to ignite and observe the flame condition. For the adjustment of the engine, adjust the servo motor or damper and adjust accordingly according to the flame condition. According to the load of the heating equipment, you need to know that the combustion is gradually adjusted from a relatively small load to a large load, and adjust the servo motor or damper accordingly. Observe whether the flame has partial fire, insufficient flame burning, Shaanxi burner, vibration and other phenomena.    Check whether the external fuel is in place, the pipeline is unobstructed, and the external power supply control is in place. Adjust the load of the burner to a small load, and adjust the ignition position to a small load accordingly. Turn off the large load to ignite and observe the flame situation, and adjust the servo motor or damper according to the flame situation. To If you are interested in gas oil burners, please contact us for a quote!

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